March 2025
SA Primary Exam Refresher Course
The SA Primary Exam Refresher Course was held from 20–24 January, with convenor Dr. Gary Tham once again delivering an exceptional program. The course featured tutorials from several primary examiners, a multitude of SAQs, a mock exam and practice viva sessions, providing comprehensive preparation for participants. This year, we were fortunate to include sessions on "hypnotherapy for exam success" and "tips for coping with exams” including box breathing techniques and meditation exercises. We are extremely thankful to Gary, all the presenters and viva session volunteers for their contributions in delivering such practical and helpful information ahead of the March primary exams.
Photo SA Primary Exam Refresher Course: Convenor Dr Gary Tham front middle
SANT Trainee Committee news
The ANZCA SA/NT Trainee Committee acts as a conduit between the trainees and fellows in SA/NT. Each year the committee nominates and elects trainees to consider issues relating to education and training. The newly elected SA/NT Trainee Committee had its first meeting on 11 February and elected members for 2025 include:
- Dr Penny Evans: Co-Chair, elected member
- Dr Donald Shivakkumar: Co-Chair, elected member
- Dr Jessica Dalwood: Elected member
- Dr Brianna Martin: Elected member
- Dr Noopur Mehta: Elected member
- Dr Sam Paull: Elected member
- Dr Bridget Sigurdson: Elected member
- Dr Edwina Stenner: ACE Committee representative
- Dr Jarmila Sterbova: Senior ASA Training Members Group (ASATMG)
- Dr Alexander Tsymbal: Elected member
- Dr Evelyn Timpani: Junior ASA Training Members Group (ASATMG)
- Dr Josh Tobin: NT representative
We gratefully acknowledge the members of this committee for volunteering their time and expertise.
Introduction to Anaesthesia Course
The introduction to anaesthesia course is run each year in all regions to welcome new trainees into the ANZCA training program. The aim of the course is to prepare new trainees for the journey ahead. Topics include an introduction to the ANZCA curriculum, the primary exam, resources, welfare and work-life balance.
9 new trainees from SA/NT attended the course in person at the SA/NT Regional Office, while 2 trainees from Alice Springs Hospital participated online, on Saturday, 15 February. Trainees heard from 12 guest speakers to discuss topics such as training options, tips for studying, ANZCA resources and wellbeing.
We would like to thank all speakers who donate their time to organise, prepare and present at these courses and to course convenor Sam Paull, member of the SA/NT Trainee Committee.
(Photo IAT)
NT ACE Conference
Registrations are now open for the 2025 NT ACE Conference “Staying cool under heat”, which will be held at the Darwin Convention Centre on Saturday, 21 June. The conference features exceptional speakers who will explore strategies to manage risk and uncertainty in anaesthesia. Click here for more information.
Upcoming events and courses
- SA ACE Gastric Ultrasound Workshop – 22 March, Royal Adelaide Hospital (sold out)
- SA ACE Meeting “Management of perioperative iron deficiency” – 25 March, The Lion Hotel
- NT ACE Conference “Staying cool under heat” – 21 June, Darwin Convention Centre
- SA/NT ACE Conference – workshop based – 13 September, Adelaide Hilton Hotel
- SA/NT part one long course, February - December 2025
- SA/NT part two long course, February - December 2025
- SA primary exam refresher course, 30 June – 4 July 2025 (fully booked)
SA/NT directory
168 Ward Street, North Adelaide, SA 5006
+61 8 8239 2822
The South Australian and Northern Territory Regional Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the South Australian and Northern Territory regions and the ANZCA Council to which it reports.
The South Australian and Northern Territory Trainee Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the South Australian and Northern Territory regions and the ANZCA Council to which it reports.
The FPM SA/NT Regional Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the SA/NT regions, and the FPM Board to which they report.