Committee members
We gratefully acknowledge the members of this committee for volunteering their time and expertise.
Name | Title |
Dr Simon Jenkins | Chair, ANZCA |
Dr Michael Abbott | ASA |
Ms Cathie Hashemi | ACORN/SAPNA |
Dr Brigid Brown | ASA |
Dr James Dennis | ANZCA |
Dr Preeti Ananda Krishna | ANZCA |
A/Professor Anthony Pohl | RACS |
Dr Lisa McEwin | ASA |
Dr Mary White | CICM |
Vacant | Regional Health Services Representative |
Michelle Gully | Committee support (non - member) |
CPD points for submitting reports to SAAMC
Anaesthetists submitting a report to the South Australia Anaesthetic Mortality Committee can claim continuing professional development points under the ANZCA Continuing Professional Development Program, while assisting the committee in its objective of ensuring the continued safe practice of anaesthesia.
Expansion of the surgical mortality audits includes the collaboration between the South Australian Audit of Surgical Mortality (SAASM) and the South Australian Anaesthetic Mortality Committee (SAAMC).
SAAMC forms and templates
Explore this section
The Mortality Sub-committee was developed as a collaboration between the chairs of established anaesthetic mortality committees in Australia, under the auspices of ANZCA.
The Perioperative Allergy Sub-committee works with the Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group (ANZAAG) to produce and promulgate guidelines regarding the prevention and management of anaesthetic-related allergy.