Off-label prescribing in pain medicine practice
FPM has published a new guidance document to inform the professional practice of FPM fellows and trainees.
Professional documents
Policies (denoted CP) are documents that formally state a principle, plan and/or course of action that is prescriptive and mandatory.
Position statements (denoted PS) are documents that describe where the college stands on a particular issue. This may include areas that lack clarity or where opinions vary. A position statement is not definitive, prescriptive or binding.
Guidelines (denoted PG) are documents that offer advice on a particular subject, that:
Are ideally based on best practice recommendations and information.
May be based on available evidence and/or expert consensus.
Are not prescriptive.
Explore other college documents
Our professional documents (prof docs), statements and guidelines are crucial for promoting the safety and quality of patient care for those undergoing anaesthesia for surgical and other procedures and for those receiving pain medicine treatment.
We've contributed to or endorsed a selection of guidelines and statements developed by other organisations.
These statements undergo a deliberative process within the college committee structure and require approval by the oversight committee, or the ANZCA Council, prior to publication.