Standards for pain medicine

We're responsible for setting the standards of clinical practice for pain medicine in Australia and New Zealand. Our activities in this area include developing professional documents, issuing safety alerts; and overseeing incident reporting activities.

Professional documents

Policies (denoted CP) are documents that formally state a principle, plan and/or course of action that is prescriptive and mandatory.

Position statements (denoted PS) are documents that describe where the college stands on a particular issue. This may include areas that lack clarity or where opinions vary. A position statement is not definitive, prescriptive or binding.

Guidelines (denoted PG) are documents that offer advice on a particular subject, that:

Are ideally based on best practice recommendations and information.
May be based on available evidence and/or expert consensus.
Are not prescriptive.

PS01(PM) Opioid analgesics in chronic non-cancer pain
319.55 KB

Statement regarding the use of opioid analgesics in patients with chronic non-cancer pain

Prof doc
PS01(PM) (Appendix) Opioid dose equivalence calculation table
290.07 KB

Opioid Dose Equivalence Calculation Table

Prof doc
PS10(PM) "Medicinal Cannabis" and chronic non-cancer pain
493.96 KB

Statement on "Medicinal Cannabis" with particular reference to its use in the management of patients with chronic non-cancer pain

Prof doc
PS10(PM)BP "Medicinal Cannabis" and chronic non-cancer pain Background paper
984.38 KB

Statement on "Medicinal Cannabis" with particular reference to its use in the management of patients with chronic non-cancer pain (background paper)

Prof doc background paper
PS11(PM) Procedures in pain medicine clinical care standard
545.23 KB

Procedures in Pain Medicine Clinical Care Standard

Prof doc
PS12(PM) Ketamine and chronic non-cancer pain
315.93 KB

Position statement on the use of ketamine in the management of chronic non-cancer pain

Prof doc
PS12(PM) BP Ketamine in chronic non-cancer pain Background paper
403.9 KB

Position statement on the use of ketamine in the management of chronic non-cancer pain (background paper)

Prof doc background paper
PG13(PM) Return to practice – pain medicine
305.12 KB

Guideline on return to pain medicine practice for specialist pain medicine physicians 2023

Prof doc
PG13(PM)BP Return to practice – pain medicine Background paper
249.22 KB

Guideline on return to pain medicine practice for specialist pain medicine physicians (background paper) 2023

Prof doc background paper
PS14(PM) Responsibility for co-prescription of oral and intrathecal opioids
281.13 KB

Statement on the responsibility for co-prescription of oral and intrathecal opioids 2023

Prof doc
PS15(PM) Statement on pelvic pain and endometriosis 2025
266.99 KB

Statement on the clinical approach to persistent pelvic pain including endometriosis-associated pain 2025

Prof doc
PS15(PM)BP Statement on pelvic pain and endometriosis Background paper 2025
385.03 KB

Statement on the clinical approach to persistent pelvic pain including endometriosis-associated pain (background paper) 2025

Prof doc background paper