Key guides and resources

Information, resources and support related to the ANZCA anaesthesia training program, including the primary exam (PEx) reading list.

Information, resources and support related to the Pain Medicine training program, including the Essential Topic Areas (ETA) reference list.

Information, resources and support for the POM Training Program, including the full Units of Study reading list.
Information and resources for the ANZCA diploma of advanced diving and hyperbaric medicine (ANZCA Dip Adv DHM).
Information and resources for the RGA Training Program.
Information and resources related to the ANZCA's SIMG program.
Information and resources related to the Conceptual Basis of Pain Medicine Program.
This guide contains all references in the curriculum, including those available through the ANZCA library.
Resource support for the Procedures in Pain Medicine Clinical Care Standard.
General resources to support your exam preparation.
Resources to support the professional practice domains of collaborator, communicator, health advocate, leader and manager, professional, and scholar.
Resources related to research in the professional practice domains in anaesthesia, perioperative and pain medicine.
This guide contains information about selected self-assessment tools which can be accessed through the library.
Information and resources for our Supervisors of Training (SOTs) and the ANZCA Educators Program.
This guide contains information relating to the resources available via ANZCA Educators Program (AEP).
Other related specialty guides
This guide has been designed to allow anaesthetists to locate core information and resources.
A library guide bringing together the latest evidence on AI use in health.
A suite of informed, accessible and diverse training resources for fellows and trainees during and following critical incidents.
Drug information and resources related to medications, anaesthetics and analgesics.
Explore information and resources related to indigenous health in Australia and Aotearoa (New Zealand).
This guide has been designed for medical specialists interested in pain medicine to locate core pain resources.
Locate high quality, current and authoritative patient information hand-outs and education resources, written for the health consumer.
This guide contains information and resources to complement those on the ANZCA Safety & Advocacy website.
This guide contains information and resources to support the general wellbeing of medical practitioners, including trainees.
Related college webpages and sites
Our trainee committees act as a voice for trainees on issues relating to education & training.
Resources related to safety, standards of practice - including anaesthetic incident reporting, critical incident debriefing, advocacy, indigenous and global health.
COVID-19 information and clinical resources available for trainees.