FPM New South Wales Regional Committee

The Faculty of Pain Medicine New South Wales Regional Committee (FPM NSW RC) is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the NSW region, and the FPM Board  to which they report. The committees assists with:

  • Implementing faculty policy in the region.
  • Advising the FPM Board on issues of interest to the faculty and its fellows and trainees in NSW.
  • Representing the faculty and promoting the specialty.
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with key regional stakeholders.
  • Training, continuing medical education, and other professional activities at a regional.

Committee members



Dr Alan Nazha

Co-chair/Elected member

Dr Andrew Weiss

Co-Chair/Elected member (CME Officer / representative to FPM Scientific Meetings Committee)

Associate Professor Tillman Boesel

Elected member

Dr Tejas Kanhere

Elected member

Dr Vidya Shirumalla

Elected member 

Dr Jane Standen

Elected member

Dr Candice Wallman

Elected member

Dr Susie Lord

Member (ex-officio)

Dr Dilip Kapur FPM Dean (ex-officio)

Mr Warren O'Harae

General Manager, Regional Operations / NSW Regional Manager

Annette Strauss

NSW Regional Co-ordinator (committee support)

Last updated 16:17 20.09.2024