Before doctors can apply for the ANZCA anaesthesia training program, they must have completed two years of general hospital experience after graduation from medical school. This can include up to 12 months in anaesthesia or intensive care but the aim is to ensure a grounding in general medicine and in disciplines other than anaesthesia. Trainees complete at least five years of training and are supervised by a network of qualified anaesthetists at accredited hospitals throughout Australia and New Zealand.
ANZCA anaesthesia trainees (to 31 Decemer 2024)
Australia | New Zealand | Other | Total |
1608 | 347 | 1 | 1956 |
Fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) is a post-specialisation qualification in Australia and New Zealand. Trainees will have already achieved – or will soon achieve – a specialist qualification relevant to pain medicine acceptable to the board of the faculty.
The FPM training program comprises of a minimum of two years clinical experience directly related to pain medicine. Trainees are supervised by a network of qualified specialist pain medicine physicians at accredited hospitals throughout Australia and New Zealand as well as Hong Kong and Singapore.
In order to be awarded fellowship of the faculty, a trainee must have a primary specialist qualification acceptable to the board of the faculty and completed the requirements of the training program.
Active pain medicine trainees (to 31 December 2024)
Australia | New Zealand | Other | Total |
72 | 3 | 12 | 87 |
Fellowship of ANZCA (FANZCA) is an immediately recognised hallmark of specialists of the highest professional standing.
Fellowship is a symbol that the holder has not only met the requirements for admission to fellowship, but also remains a member in good standing with a professional organisation that has the highest aspirations for safe and high-quality patient care. ANZCA fellows continue to break new ground and set standards for others locally and overseas.
Active FANZCA (to 31 December 2024)
Australia | New Zealand | Other | Total |
5725 | 911 | 437 | 7073 |
Fellowship of our Faculty of Pain Medicine (FFPMANZCA) is an immediately recognised hallmark of specialists of the highest professional standing.
Fellowship is a symbol that the holder has not only met the requirements for admission to fellowship, but also remains a member in good standing with a professional organisation that has the highest aspirations for safe and high-quality patient care. FPM fellows continue to break new ground and set standards for others locally and overseas.
Active FFPMANZCA (to 31 December 2024)
Australia | New Zealand | Other | Total |
432 | 43 | 58 | 533 |
Explore this section
The ANZCA Council governs the college with the support of the FPM Board and various committees. Its roles include reviewing and approving the annual strategic plan and budget, and developing and monitoring key performance indicators and other benchmarks.
The FPM Board oversees the activities of the faculty in accordance with the FPM by-laws and the ANZCA strategic plan.
The Chapter of Perioperative Medicine Board reports to the ANZCA Council on developing and implementing an integrated perioperative care model and educational offerings for Australia and New Zealand, focusing on professional practice, clinical quality, and patient safety.
Our DPAs are all medically qualified and are fellows of the college/faculty. They are part-time, and most have other work as specialist anaesthetists or specialist pain medicine physicians.
Our specialist staff in Melbourne, Wellington, and regional offices around Australia provide the ANZCA Council, FPM Board, and their respective committees with administrative, technical and management support, together with professional advice.
Statistics on ANZCA and FPM fellows and trainees.
We play an active role in in the global health community. Discover some of the ways we're working together to improve health outcomes for all patients.
Corporate policies guide the activities of our staff, fellows, trainees and community representatives.
We're building a diverse and vibrant workforce and we want to attract the best people! Find out what a career with the college can offer you, and explore current job vacancies around Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
Everything you need to know about college elections, including dates, eligibility, and campaigning rules.
The ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine enables specialist doctors enhance their skills and knowledge in perioperative medicine.
If you trained as a specialist anaesthetist or specialist pain medicine physician overseas, we offer several pathways to practice in Australia or New Zealand.
Information on the ANZCA, RGA, and DHM training programs and the joint ANZCA-CICM training pathway
Information on the Faculty of Pain Medicine Training Program and Procedures Endorsement Program.