Pain medicine training sites

The faculty accredits multidisciplinary pain management units to provide approved training for FPM trainees. This requires a collaborative relationship, where the faculty offers a world-class curriculum, and the training units contribute to accreditation, examination panels, and serve as examination sites.

We've accredited more than 40 multidisciplinary pain management units (training units) in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Singapore to provide approved pain medicine training.

Units are accredited either as a level 1 or Practice Development Stage (PDS) unit as defined in by-law 19 and the Accreditation Handbook. The faculty accredits supervisors rather than units for the Procedures Endorsement Program.

Apply to be an accredited training unit

Our specialised reviewers assess each unit's ability to deliver our training program to the highest standard, according to the requirements in by-law 19 and the accompanying FPM accreditation handbook. Accreditation is based on information provided by the unit, coupled with an onsite visit by two reviewers.

The Training Unit Accreditation Committee (TUAC) oversees this process and makes recommendations based on reviewers’ reports.

Units wishing to apply for accreditation should submit the datasheets linked below to the faculty office.

Multidisciplinary training unit datasheet (Level 1)

Practice Development Stage data sheet

Developing flexible accreditation pathways for rural settings

The faculty, with funding from the Department of Health and Aged Care through the FATES program (Flexible Approach to Training in Expanded Settings), is exploring innovative accreditation pathways for pain medicine units in regional and rural Australia. This project aims to enhance access to training by identifying and approving flexible accreditation models that support rural-based pain medicine training. The goal is to visit and accredit several rural and regional sites by the end of 2025. Frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be found on the FATES FAQ webpage.

Supervision of training

All accredited training units have an appointed supervisor of training (SOT) who is a faculty fellow. These supervisors are the FPM representative with respect to training within the units and are responsible for pain medicine training at that unit. They need to have a thorough understanding of and experience in faculty educational activities and liaise with registered trainees and hospital authorities on matters related to trainees and training, as well as with the central administration of the faculty. Their key roles are:

  • Overseeing each trainee’s clinical performance and assessments completed in the workplace.
  • Performing in-training assessments and training stage reviews throughout the core training stage.
  • Providing a primary point of contact between the faculty; the training unit; and the trainees.

Appointment of SOTs

The unit director identifies and nominates a suitable SOT to the faculty using this form. Nominations are reviewed and approved by the Director of Professional Affairs FPM Education on behalf of the Learning and Development Committee.  

How to make a complaint

If you've experienced or observed any inappropriate behaviour by individuals or organisations associated with ANZCA and FPM, including staff members, fellows, trainees, SIMGs, and accredited training sites, please bring it to our attention by completing this confidential online form. All notifications received are treated as confidential unless we request your permission to the contrary.

Related resources

FPM by-law 19 - Accreditation of units offering training in pain medicine
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This by-law outlines the Faculty of Pain Medicine's accreditation standards for units offering pain medicine training, including requirements for multidisciplinary teams, compliance with ANZCA policies, and specific qualifications for supervisors.

FPM by-law