Standing for election as an ANZCA councillor

Being a councillor is an interesting and challenging role that presents you with the opportunity to shape the future of training and the practice of anaesthesia, pain medicine and perioperative medicine in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

If you're a strategic thinker; a leader; and you want to represent your peers and your specialty at the highest level, then you may want to consider serving as an ANZCA councillor.

Requirements of standing for election are that you are a full financial fellow of ANZCA or FPM, are of good standing and that two other fellows of equally good standing support your nomination. If you cease to be eligible for admission to membership of the college; have a condition or restriction imposed on your right to practise or have been found guilty by a court of a serious offence as defined by the ANZCA Constitution, you are not eligible for election as a councillor or faculty board member. Nominees should read Regulation 41 - Conduct of elections in conjunction with the constitution to help guide you with your nomination.

As a company limited by guarantee, councillors as directors of the college have a responsibility under the Australian Corporations Act to act, in their governance role, in the interests of all members (that is, fellows of ANZCA and FPM) of the college. They do not represent their region, country, craft group or fellow type (for example, new fellow councillor) on the council.

It is therefore important that you reflect upon your particular interests and passions, and to ensure that you act in the best interests of the entire organisation.

The role of the ANZCA Council is to set the strategic direction and oversee the general business of the college, as well as to ensure compliance with relevant laws, further information about the specific role of council can be viewed in the Council Terms of Reference. Regulation 39 - the ANZCA Council Protocol provides you with information about councillor duties, responsibilities and expectations.

ANZCA Regulation 39 lists the following attributes as being desirable to individuals wishing to serve on ANZCA Council:

  • Have sufficient time to devote to the ANZCA Council and be prepared to give the college high priority   
  • Be free from any conflict or other connection that may compromise the council.   
  • Be respected by the members.   
  • Bring relevant experience, and an understanding of the business, to the council.   
  • Have knowledge or experience which complements that of present council members.   
  • Have some experience of working on boards or other relevant bodies.   
  • Have a reputation of a leading clinician and seen as a role model for trainees and other clinicians.   
  • Be cooperative - a good team player.   
  • Be able to grasp new issues quickly - have an agile mind.   
  • Be prepared to make contributions that are succinct and to the point.   
  • Have an incisive mind and be able to ask penetrating questions.   
  • Have a strategic vision - see the big picture.   
  • Be an independent thinker.   
  • Have good written and verbal communication skills.   
  • Have negotiation skills.

It is unlikely that candidates will be found who demonstrate all these characteristics to an equally high degree, and it is better for a board of directors to have a mix of strengths.

Council consists of twelve elected members; the Dean of the Faculty of Pain Medicine; and one new-fellow councillor. The office bearers are the president and the vice-president.

The ANZCA honorary treasurer is a councillor whose portfolio is particularly focused on college finances including investments. They will be a member of the Finance and Risk Management (FARM) Committee; deliver the annual financial report at the ANZCA Annual General Meeting; and liaise directly with the ANZCA Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Director, Corporate Services regarding finance and audit matters. For more information see the terms of reference for the honorary treasurer.

Many councillors chair committees of council and all are members of college committees, sub-committees and working groups.

The president or president-elect will discuss roles with each councillor, taking into account interests and experience, as well as the needs of the council and workload distribution. The final decisions are by the vote of the New Council Meeting at the ANZCA Annual Scientific Meeting in May.