More than 1800 qualified medical practitioners are participating in our anaesthesia training program across Australia (1530), New Zealand (310).
What is the anaesthesia training program?
The ANZCA anaesthesia training program is designed to develop highly skilled anaesthetists capable of providing exceptional patient care. Our trainees complete at least five years of training in supervised clinical placements within accredited hospitals throughout Australia and New Zealand consisting of: two years of introductory and basic training; two years of advanced training; and one year of provisional fellowship training. Upon successful completion of the training program, you will be eligible for fellowship of ANZCA (FANZCA).
The training program is guided by a structured curriculum, Regulation 37, and the Anaesthesia Training Handbook
Explore this section

Anaesthesia is one of the most rewarding and fascinating fields of medicine you can specialise in as a medical graduate.

Your guide to training as a specialist anaesthetist in Australia or New Zealand, including the criteria, application process and cost.

Access all the resources, documents, and forms you need to meet your training requirements at the click of a button.

Information on ANZCA-accredited anaesthesia training sites, rotations, supervisors, education officers; how to become a training site accreditation visitor; and how to apply for ANZCA training site accreditation.

In order to qualify as a specialist anaesthetist and become eligible for ANZCA fellowship, trainees need to successfully complete two exams. Each exam consists of a written and viva (oral and medical clinical) components.

In order to progress to provisional fellowship training, you will need to complete the requirements of advanced training and secure a suitable provisional fellowship position.

Once you've met your training requirements, you're eligible to apply for admission to fellowship. Here's everything you need to know about the process, as well as information on registering as a specialist.

These describe the roles of a specialist anaesthetist and specialist pain medicine physician and how they apply to contemporary practice – includes scholar role and communicator role.

We've collated a range of online resources to support our supervisors of training (SOTs) with the training, assessment, and pastoral care of trainees.

This page provides help with the most common questions about our anaesthesia training program.