ROSI aims to provide healthcare facilities with practical, user-friendly information and resources to help facilities begin to implement an opioid stewardship program including:
- Where do you start?
- Who do you need?
- How do you measure?
- Resources for change
In 2022, recognising that opioid stewardship is an increasingly important patient safety initiative, the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) published the Opioid Analgesic Stewardship in Acute Pain Clinical Care Standard (CCS).1
Despite a wealth of academic publications and the availability of many existing resources, clinicians consistently report that they find it challenging to implement opioid stewardship programs and recommendations within the CCS.
The resources within ROSI have been developed by a team of multidisciplinary clinicians experienced in facilitating changes in opioid prescribing. Significant improvements in patient safety and other outcome measures can be demonstrated when the resources contained within the toolkit are incorporated into opioid stewardship programs.
Prescribing guides can help less experienced prescribers provide effective age-based opioid analgesia rather than using underdosing as a safety tool. This is especially important for younger and for opioid-tolerant patients. Guides should be uniform across the organisation; on lanyards, on medication prescribing platforms, and embedded in all trauma and pain protocols.
Where do you start?
Discover valuable insights through our video series, where experienced clinicians share practical tips on transforming opioid prescribing practices. Learn how the ROSI tool has led to significant enhancements in patient outcomes and how you can apply these strategies to achieve similar results.
Introduction to ROSI
Associate Professor Michael Vagg, Director of Professional Affairs, FPM.
The basics of opioid prescribing remain the same wherever you are
Dr Andrew Lange, Anaesthetic Registrar, St. Vincent's Hospital, NSW.
Resources for Opioid Stewardship Implementation (ROSI) is a toolkit of resources developed by a multidisciplinary team of clinicians to assist organisations in initiating or improving existing opioid stewardship programs.
Effective opioid stewardship hinges on identifying areas for improvement, and using audits to provide feedback and demonstrate improvement. Explore our toolkit to learn which audits are most beneficial for your practice and discover the best methods for gathering the necessary data.
Resources contained within the ROSI have been developed by a team of multidisiplinary clinicians experienced in facilitating changes in opioid prescribing.
The Pain Medicine Discharge Plan is a patient resource aligned to meet the recommendations of the ACSQHC clinical care standard.
Use the following documents and websites to help you develop your opioid stewardship programs.
We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to assist healthcare facilities in understanding and implementing effective opioid stewardship programs.