The committee assists with:
- Implementing college policy
- Advising ANZCA Council on issues of interest to the college and its fellows and trainees in SA and NT
- Representing the college and promoting the specialty in the regions
- Developing and maintaining relationships with key regional stakeholders
- Training, continuing medical education, and other professional activities at a regional level
Committee members
We gratefully acknowledge the members of this committee for volunteering their time and expertise.
Name | Role |
Dr Nick Harrington | Chair |
Dr Rachelle Augustes | Deputy Chair |
Dr Waleed Alkhazrajy | Elected member |
Dr Tim Benny | Elected member & ACE Committee representative |
Dr Richard Church | Elected member (Accreditation Officer and Safety and Quality representative) |
Dr Caroline Delaney | Co-opted member |
Dr Penny Evans | Co-Chair, SA/NT Trainee Committee |
Dr Christine Hildyard | Elected member |
Dr Matthew Jenke | Elected member |
Dr Div Kumar | Elected member |
Dr Scott Ma | Ex officio member (Councillor) |
Dr Tejinder Mettho | Co-opted member |
Dr Andrew Michael | Elected member |
Dr Nagesh Nanjappa | Elected member |
Dr Anthony Pols | Co-opted member |
Dr Tim Semple | Co-opted member (FPM SA/NT Regional Committee representative) |
Dr Donald Shivakkumar | Co-chair, SA/NT Trainee Committee |
Dr Tim Wonders | New Fellow representative |
Dr Amanda Brewster | Co-opted member (Rotational Supervisor) |
Dr Chelsea Hicks | Co-opted member (Rotational Supervisor) |
Dr Rowan Ousley | Co-opted member (SA/NT Education Officer) |
Dr Nicole Diakomichalis | Australian Society of Anaesthetists representative |
Dr Simon Jenkins | South Australian Anaesthetic Mortality Committee representative |
Teresa Camerelli/Alison Cook | SA/NT Regional Co-ordinators (committee support) |

Explore the latest news, events, courses, and committee updates from our SA/NT office.
Read moreThe South Australian and Northern Territory Trainee Committee is an elected body that acts as a conduit between fellows and trainees in the South Australian and Northern Territory regions and the ANZCA Council to which it reports.
SA/NT Regional Education Subcommittee discuss trainee matters.
SA/NT ACE CME Committee organise anaesthetic educational opportunities which can be included within individual CPD plans.
Elected regional and national committees in each state of Australia and in New Zealand support the function of national office.
Everything you need to know about voting and standing for election in the ANZCA and FPM regional and national committee elections.