These resources are available in Learn@ANZCA. After logging in, please click on the search button and search for each module, and register these so they will be included on your dashboard.
Selected supervisor resources
On a broad level, supervisors enhance the effectiveness of teaching programs, facilitate effective training for future specialist pain medicine physicians and improve their teaching and administrative skills and those of others.
On a more focused level, supervisors act as a source of knowledge, co-ordinate learning experiences and aim to improve evaluation and feedback to trainees. Use your college ID to access resources that will help you with:
- Training roles and responsibilities.
- Understanding the training requirements.
- Managing and supervising trainees.
- Welfare and mentoring.
Personal and professional learning
Use your college ID to access resources that will help you with:
- Communication, management and professionalism.
- Fundamentals of feedback.
- Intercultural competency.
Anaesthesia learning resources applicable to FPM trainees
- Curriculum teaching and learning support – exam preparation resources.
- Scholar role support resources.
Essential topic areas
The essential topic areas online learning section offers a suite of online learning resources that support and complement the FPM curriculum. The resources focus on integrating the pain medicine roles in practice with the clinical skills and knowledge of the nine essential topic areas and target a set of learning outcomes from the curriculum.
It's important to note that these resources only contribute to the acquisition of some learning outcomes from the curriculum. For each of the nine essential topic areas there is a self-paced online learning module, a case-study with supporting resources, and a short self-assessed quiz.
Exam resources
Download the long case assessment marking criteria.
Monitoring trainees' progression
As a supervisor of training, you are expected to keep a copy of all in-training assessments and workplace-based progressive feedback forms completed under your supervision. However, it is your trainees' responsibility to ensure that all relevant documentation is kept in their FPM trainee ePortfolio and submitted to us at the correct time.
If you are supervising a trainee who has moved to your unit from another unit, please review previous feedback in order to set appropriate goals during the orientation process.
Trainees can provide a copy of their training profile to you on request. You can also contact us to request a copy.
Our FPM Education Officer can provide guidance and support around the training program and professional development related to the SOT role. The FPM Education Officer represents SOTs on faculty committees and coordinates activities for SOTs.
Find an FPM supervisor of training
View a complete list of all FPM supervisors of training at our FPM accredited training sites.

Our supervisors of training (SOT) support hub offers a wide range of resources for educators.
SOT resource hubExplore the FPM Pain Medicine Training Program
Pain medicine is a dynamic and rewarding career choice for specialists looking for a new challenge. Find out what it involves; where it can take you; and how to get started.
Our pioneering pain medicine training program is a two-year post-specialist qualification that leads to fellowship of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists with the post nominals FFPMANZCA.
Find information about flexible training options and fees for the FPM training program.
We've developed a range of courses and resources to support your pain medicine training.
Our mentoring program aims to support pain medicine trainees and fellows during their training and/or early post-fellowship years.
Find dates and locations of long-case assessments and FPM fellowship exams, as well as information on the format, marking criteria, and application fees and forms.
Here's everything you need to know about applying to become an FFPMANZCA and registering as a specialist pain medicine physician.
We've accredited more than 40 multidisciplinary pain management units (training units) in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Singapore to provide approved pain medicine training.